53rd Annual Meeting INS
February 12-15, 2025, New Orleans, USA

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends
April 26-28, Budapest, Hungary

International Conference on Enviromental Psychology
June 15-18, Vilnius, Lithuania

3rd Edition of the International Neurology Conference
June 20-22, Village Hotel Changi, Singapore

Brain Health & Intersectionality
July 2-5, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia `

World Congress on Positive Psychology
July 2-5, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queenslad, Australia

XIIth SWS ISCC & ISCAH Coferences - When Science Meets Art
August 24-29, Varna, Albena Complex, Bulgaria

9th Scientific Meeting of Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (FENS)
September 4-6, Leipzig, Germany

40th Annual Meeting of the German Neuropsychological Society
September 4-6, Leipzig, Germany




2nd Annual Monash-Epworth Rehabilitation Research (MERRC) Symposium (free, virtual)
March 9, Monash University, Australia

1st Academic Conference of Safety Psychology and Behavior for Healthcare
March 23-24, Tokyo, Japan

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2024 
April 20-22, Porto, Portugal

47th Annual Brain Impairment Confrence
May 2-4, Sydney, Australia

13th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation
May 22-25, Vancouver, Canada

XXIV. Psychology Days
May 23-25, Zadar, Croatia

Global Summit of Physiotherapy
May 23-25, Prague, Czech Republic

Global Neuropsychology Congress
July 3-5, Porto, Portugal

XI-th ISCSS & ISCAH Conference "When Science Meets Art"
August 25-30, Albena, Bulgaria

Neurology World Conference
September 4-6, San Francisco, USA

Addiction world Conference
September 4-6, Califoria, USA

8th International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders
October 21-22, Tokyo, Japan





International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT)
April 22-24, Lisbon, Portugal

Measuring change in mentalization-based treatments: what works and what doesn’t?
May 10, Porto, Portugal

20th Conference for the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
June 7-8, Glasgow, Scotland

Third Academic and Clinical Symposium in Cognitive-Communication Disorders
June 22-23. Manchester, UK

AADPA’s 6th Annual Conference “From Science to Solutions”
July 29-30, Melbourne, Australia

Xth SWS ISCSS & ISCAH Scientific Conferences
August 20-25, Viena, Austria

SSHRA 2023 – Social Science & Humanities Research Association International Conference
October 17-18, Dubai

When Science Meets Art
November 28 - December 1, Vienna, Austria

Gestalt therapy training with GATSEA
December 9, Seattle, WA

Gestalt therapy
2023-2024, Los Angeles




45th ASSBI Brain Impairment Conference
May 5-7, Perth, Australia

23rd Psychology Days
May 26-28, Zadar, Republika Hrvatska

Fifth Conference of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association
July 30-31, Sydney, Australia

Movement and Cognition
August 31 - September 2, Sorbonne, Paris

Neuropsychological Special Interest Group of the WFNR
October, Maastricht, Netherlands

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the WFNR (hybrid)
October 12-13 , Netherlands, Maastricht

NAN Annual Conference
October 12-15, Denver, Colorado

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
60 minutes webinar

12th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (hybrid)
December 14-17, Vienna, Austria




International Stroke Conference
February 9-12, Denver, Colorado, USA

6th Pacific Rim HYBRID Conference
June 30 - July 3, Melbourne, Australia

18th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Hybrid Conference
July 5-6, Lorne, VIC, Australia

43rd Annual Brain Impairment Conference
July 7-9, Melbourne, Australia

32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP)
July 19-24, Prague, Czech Republic 

4th Annual Conference of the Australian Professionals ADHD Association
July 25-26, Melbourne, Australia

International Conference on Movement: Brain, Body and Cognition
September 2-4, University of Paris/La Sorbonne

21 Annual and Virtual Conference AADPA (Theme ADHD)
October 23




INS & GNPÖ Vienna Virtual Event
July 1-3, Vienna, Austria

17th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group
of the WFNR's Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Conference (later in the year?)
July 6-7, Vienna, Austria

22nd Psychology days in Zadar
October 1-3, Zadar, Croatia

ASSBI webinars
from May to November via ZOOM




A Clinical Approach on Experimental Neuropsychology
June 24-25, Italy, Rome

ADHD across the lifespan
July 27-28, Australia, Brisbane

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) for individuals with ABI
in Community Based Rehabilitation/Therapeutic Settings

September 4, Adelaide, Australia

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium - WMESS 2019
September 9-13, Prague, Czech Republic

Konferencia Neurogénne poruchy komunikácie
October 18-19, Bratislava, Slovakia

Psychologické dni 2019
October 21-22, Bratislava, Slovakia

Problems of personal development in the modern society
November 15, Kharkiv, Ukraine




12th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
March 22-25, Warsaw, Poland

41st Annual Brain Impairment Conference
May 3-5, Adelaide, Australia

International Alzheimer’s Disease & Associated Disorders Conference
May 7-9, 2018 at Rome, Italy

21st Psychology Days in Zadar
May 24-26, Zadar, Croatia

Severe and enduring eating disorders and co-morbidity
June 29-July 1, Kaunas, Lithuania

15th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation - Special Interest Group of the WFNR Conference
July 15-16, Prague, Czech Republic

INS Mid-Year Meeting
July 18-21, Prague, Czech Republic

Movement, Brain, and Cognition. International Conference at Harvard University
July 27-29, Harvard, Boston, USA

5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOCIAL Sciences & Arts
August 24-September 2, Albena Resort & Spa, Bulgaria

Sociálne procesy a osobnosť
September 17-19, Stará Lesná, Slovensko



11th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
March 23-26, Athens, Greece

5th CPSYC International Congress on Clinical and Counselling Psychology
April 26-28, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Foggia, Italy

40th Annual Brain Impairment Conference
June 1-3, Melbourne, Australia

15th Annual AACN Conference
June 8-10, Boston, MA, USA

Movement 2017: Brain, Body, Cognition
July 9-11, Oxford University, Oxford, UK

14thNR-SIG-WFNR Conference of the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR)
July 9-11, Cape Town City, Centre Cape Town 8001, South Africa

1st Wuerzburg Summer School on Social Cognition and Neuroscience (SCONE)
July 23-28, Wuerzburg, Germany

4th International Conference SGEM
August 22-31, Albena Resort & Spa, Bulgaria

Neuropsychologically informed therapy and intervention: an introduction to conducting neuropsychotherapy beyond rehabilitation
August 28, Level 7, Building 10, 235 Jones St, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007, Australia

6th Cognitive and Affective Neurophysiology Summer School: Acquisition, processing and analysis of EEG signal
September 4-8, Porto, Portugal

13th Conference Days of applied psychology
September 29-30, Universityof Niš, Serbia




Relational Psychoanalysis in Interaction with Developmental Theory
January 2-3, Istambul, Turkey

Annual Meeting of INS in Boston - Neuropsychology: Spanning the World and Disciplines
February 3-6, Boston, MA, USA

Controversies in Neurology
March 17-20, Lisbon, Portugal

4th Annual International Conference on Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences
May 7-10, Virtual Conference

20th Psychology Days in Zadar
May 19-21, Zadar, Croatia

24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development
July 10-14, Vilnius, Lithuania

4th International Conference - Agriculture & Food
June 20-24, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria

13thNR-SIG-WFNR Conference of the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
July 11-12, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

INS Mid-Year Meeting
July 5-8, London, England

3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016
August 22-31, Albena Resort, Bulgaria

The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology

October 11-15, Rodos Palace Resort Hotel - Convention Center Rodos - Greece




8th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
June 6-11, Berlin, Germany

12th Conference of the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Special Interest Group of the World Federationfor NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR)

July 6-7, Daydream Island, Whitsundays, Australia

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology & Therapeutics  
July 27-29, Rome, Italy

Neuropsychotherapy - revisited
August 2-4, Iphofen, Germany

Global Summit on Stroke 
August 3-5, Birmingham, UK

International Conference on Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder 
August 11-13, Frankfurt, Germany

International conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics  
August 24-26, London, UK

3rd International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia 
August 31-Sep 2, Toronto, Canada

International Conference on Epilepsy & Treatment 
September 21-22, Baltimore, USA

5th International Conference on Neurology & Epidemiology (ICNE)
November 18-20, Coast Gold, Australia




42nd INS Annual Meeting
February 12-15, Seattle, Washington, USA

International CIANS Conference
March 28-30, Venice, Italy

3rd International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain & Mind
April 3-5, Brno, Czech Republic

WPA Regional Congress
April 9-12, Ljubljana, Slovenia

37th Annual Brain Impairment Conference
May 8-10, Fremantle, WA, Australia

CONy Congress
May 8-11, Berlin, Germany

19th Psychology Days
May 29-31, Zadar, Croatia

WPA Thematic Conference "Neurobiology and Complex Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders and Addiction"
June 4-6, Warsaw, Poland

1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coachin
June 12-14, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Joint Research Conference
June 23-26, Seattle, WA, USA

INS Mid-Year Meeting
July 9-11, Jerusalem, Israel

Conference of the 11th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the World Federation of NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR)
July 14-15, Limassol, Cyprus

1st F-ESN Summer School: From Clinic to Research - Designs, Analyses, Ethics
September 1-4, Berlin, Germany

International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences
September 2-7, Albena, Bulgaria

3rd World Congress of Clinical Safety (3WCCS): Clinical Risk Management
September 10-12, University of Cantaberia, Spain

The Social Brain
October 5-8, Copenhagen, Denmark

4th International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector
October 22-24, Miami, Florida, USA

CPSYC International Congress on Clinical & Counselling Psychology
December 1-4, Antalya, Turkey

2nd Global Conference on Linguistics, and Foreign Language Teaching
December 11-13, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Future Academy Calendar 2014-2015

ASSBI Webinar Series for 2014

Salzburg Medical Seminars International 2014








Miami Beach, Florida, USA

11th Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium
   2nd Early Alzheimer's Diagnostic & Treatment Workshop
   1st Early Alzheimer's Disease Public Educational Forum
January 19-20, The Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, USA

INS 41th Annual Meeting
February 6-9, Waikoloa, Hawaii

Symposium "Advances in Sports Neuropsychology and Concussion Management"
February 22-23, Würzburg, Germany

Supporting Interdependence following acquired brain injury: using social neuroscience and couples therapy to work with empathy, attachment and closeness in couples' relationships
March 1, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Modifiability
March 10-13, Jerusalem, Istrael

Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
April 11-14, Istanbul, Turkey

36th Annual Brain Impairment Conference
May 2-4, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

The Third  European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment - Facts & Controversies
June 7-8, Würzburg, Germany

Twenty-third Meeting of the European Neurological Society
June 8-11, Barcelona, Spain

7th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
June 16-20, Beijing, China

Evidence-Based Family Intervention - Practical Approaches to Working with Families after Brain Injury and Other Neurological Disorders
June 20-21, London, Great Britain

Conference of the 10th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the World Federation of NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR)
July 8-9, Maastritcht, Netherlands

European Congress of Psychology
July 9-12, Sockholm, Sweden

INS Mid-Year Meeting
July 10-13, Amsterdam, The Nederlands

"What happens to a TBI patient in the long run?" - Brain Injury Case Management - Managing the Vulnerable Adult in the Community
July 21-23, Veitshöchheim near Würzburg, Germany

World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health
August 25-28, Buenos Aires, Argentina

4th Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology Meeting
September 12-14, Berlin, Germany

The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB)
October 9, UK, London

The 8th European Congress on Violence
October 23-26, Ghent, Belgium

World Psychiatric Association International Congress
October 27-30, Vienna, Austria

Neuroscience 2013
November 9-13, San Diego, California, USA

Osobnosť v kontexte kognícií, motivácií a emocionality IV
November 27-28, Bratislava, Slovakia



Salzburg Medical Seminars (Open Medical Institute)

Miami Beach


1st Early Alzheimer's Diagnostic Workshop

January 14-15, Miami Beach Resort, Miami Beach

XI. cesko-slovenska konferencia s medzinarodnou ucastou "Kvalitativny pristup a metody vo vedach o cloveku" s podtitulom "Diverzita v spolocenskych vedach"
January, 23-24, Bratislava, Slovakia

Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy
February 5-9, Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey


Place d'Armes

INS 40th Annual Meeting
February 15-18, Montreal, Canada

Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
March 8-11, Vienna, Austria


Brain Awareness Week
March 12-18, The Dana Foundation

Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury
March 21-25, Edinburgh, Scotland

The Terschelling Conference on 'Brain circuits for Emotion and Survival
April 21-24, Terschelling, Netherlands

Naučnoje sotrudničestvo: BECHA 2012
May 17-18, Dněpropetrovsk, Ukrajina


7th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation
May 16-19, Melbourne, Australia


XVIII. Psychology Days
May 24-26, Zadar, Croatia

VII Congreso Argentino de Salud Mental
May 28-30, Buenos Aires, Argentina

6th Annual International Conference on Psychology
May 28-31, Athens, Greece

18th European Congress of physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
May 28-June 1, Thessaloniki, Greece


The 8th International R-User Conference
June 12-15, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

The Changing Brain

INS Mid-Year Meeting - The Changing Brain
June 27-30, Oslo, Norway


9th Conference of the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
July 2-3, Bergen, Norway

30th International Congress of Psychology
July 22-27, Cape Town, South Africa

SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference: Learning in Transition
August 22-24, Antwerp, Belgium

Sociálne procesy a osobnost 2012
September 17-19, Kúpeľe Nový Smokovec, Slovakia

The 8th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias
September 5-7, Manchester, United Kingdom

Moscow International Congress
dedicated to the 110th
anniversary of Alexander Romanovich Luria's birth

September 20-22, Moscow, Russia

ESMRMB 2012 Congress
October 4-6, Lisbon, Portugal

15th International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference
October 7-10, Melbourne, Australia

International Conference on Clinical Practice in Alzheimer Disease
November 8-11, Budapest, Hungary

The 22nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Neurorehabilitation (DGNR)
November 22-24 , Fürth, Germany



39th Annual Meeting

INS 39th Annual Meeting
February 2-5, Boston, Massachusetts

6th Conference Woman in Culture
March 8, University of Gdansk, Poland

What is the true natural history of MTBI?
April 7, London

Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium 2011
April 29, Miami Beach

16th Conference on "Neuropsychiatric, Psychological & Social Updates & Challenges"
May 10-13, Athens, Greece

The Flourishing Brain conference
May 27-29, Gdańsk, Poland

5th Annual International Conference on Psychology
May 30-31 & June 1-2, Athens, Greece

6th ISPRM World Congress
June 12-16, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Developing learning within and across disciplines: Evidence from research and practice
June 29 -July 1, University of Antwerp

The 12th European Congress of Psychology
July 4-8. Istanbul, Turkey

INS Mid-Year Meeting
July 6-9, Auckland, New Zealand

8th Conference of the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Special Interest Group of the World Federation NeuroRehabilitation
July 11-12, Novotel Rotorua Lakeside, Rotorua, New Zealand

Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease
July 16-21, Paris, France

Summer Academy 2011
July 24-26, Veitshöchheim (Würzburg), Germany

World Congress on Psychotherapy
August 24-28, Sydney, Australia

3rd Scientific Meeting of the ESN
September 7-9, Basel, Switzerland

II Congreso de Psicología del Tucumán. Nacional e Internacional
15, 16 y 17 de Septiembre de 2011, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI)
September 25-29, 2011 - Palma de Mallorca, Spain

ESMRB Congress
October 6-8, Leipzig, Germany

45. medzioborová konferencia o klinickom a experimentálnom výskume vyšších funkcíí mozgu
October 10-11, Bratislava, Slovakia

Cursos Virtuales de Psicoanálisis
Buenos Aires, Argentina


The Congress of the Latinoamerican Society of Neuropsychology (SLAN)
November 7-10, Santiago de Chile

Osobnosť v kontexte kognícií, motivácií a emocionality II
November 23-24, Bratislava, Slovensko

Symposium "Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Changing views"
November 25, Amsterdam, Netherlands



Asociación Argentina de Salud Mental



Sensory Systems

Symposium on Biological Complexity: Sensory Systems: Smell, Taste, Touch, Hearing and Vision
January 13-15, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, USA



Ličnosť i obščestvo: problemy filosofii, psichologii i sociologii
Fevraľ, Penza, Russkaja Federacija

Hispanic Neuropsychological Society 1st Conference
February 2, Acapulco, Mexico


INS 38th Annual Meeting
February 3-6, Acapulco, Mexico



Albuquerque Hotel

Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research
February 17-20, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 2010
February 24-27, Vienna, Austria


Vilnius Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence


Archetypy v oblasti kultury a společenských vztahů
Mezinárodní vědecko-výzkumná korespondenční konference

March 5-6


Mount Sinai Medical Center of Miami Beach

8th Annual Symposiu on Early Alzheimer's Disease
March 12-13, Eden Roc Hotel, Miami Beach


15th International Conference of Association of Psychology & Psychiatry for Adults & Children (A.P.P.A.C.)
May 4-7, Athens, Greece


Congreso Argentino de Salud Mental

V Congreso Argentino de Salud Mental
May 6-8, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Curso de Neuropsiquiatría, Neurología Cognitiva y Demencias

Curso de Neuropsiquiatría, Neurología Cognitiva y Demencias (2010)
May 8 - December 4, Universidad Favaloro, Caba, Argentina


Sveučilište u Zadaru

XII. Dani Psihologije
27.-29. svibanj, Zadar, Croatia

Motivation, Self-Regulation and Gender: perspectives and applications
June 3-5, Gdansk-Sopot, Poland


The 1st World Congress on
Controversies in Longevity, Health and Aging

June 24-27, Barcelona, Spain



European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN)
June 28-30, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Psychologické poradenstvo na celoživotnej ceste človeka
Jún 29, Prešov, Slovakia



International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting
June 30- July 3, Krakow, Poland



7th Satellite Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
July 5-6, Krakow, Poland, (Program, Call for Abstracts)



The Aristotelian Society - The 2010 Joint Session will be held at University College
July 9-11, Dublin, UK/Scotland


10th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology
August 15-18, Aalborg, Denmark



12th International Conference on Motivation
August 30 - September 1, Porto, Portugal



Performance Validity and Test Validity in Neuropsychological Assessment
September 10, London, England


Neuropsychotherapy: Training psychotherapists to work with people with brain illnesses
September 17-10, Würzburg, Germany


Second Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology
September 22-24, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


INECO 2010 International Symposium of Psychiatry
October 2, Buenos Aires, Argentina


NAN Conference

30th Annual Conference of National Academy of Neuropsychology
October 13-16, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Stipends for the Psychiatry Congress Berlin 2010
for colleagues from Eastern Europe


Cursos a distancia




La , un casse-tete mathématique d´Édouard Lucas (1842-1891)

February 5-8, Paris, France


The First Annual International Conference on Culture, Ethnicity & Brain Injury Rehabilitation

March 12-13, Crystal Gateway Marriot, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Psicoanalisis - Cursos virtuales


Seventh Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium

March 27-28, Miami, Florida, USA


14th International Conference of the Association of Psychology & Psychiatry for Adults & Children

May 5-8, Athens, Greece


The First European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment

May 8-9, Würzburg, Germany



May 18-20, Rome, Italy


3rd International Conference on Psychology

June 8-11, Athens, Greece


IV Congreso Argentino de Salud Mental


ens European Neurological Society

Nineteenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society

June 20-24, Milan, Italy


Memory and Mind: Learning and Representing Structures in the Brain and Mind

June 22-23, CEU Summer University in Budapest



The 11th European Congress of Psychology

July 7-10, Oslo, Norway


INS 2009 Finland

INS Mid-Year Meeting 2009

July 29 - August 1, Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia

Tallin Tallin

6th Satellite Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

August 3-4, Tallinn, Estonia



XIV European Conference on Development Psychology

August 18-22, Vilnius, Lithuania



European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology European Socienty of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology








Campus Virtual Campus Virtual





La , un casse-tete mathématique d´Édouard Lucas (1842-1891)
February 5-8, Paris, France


The First Annual International Conference on Culture, Ethnicity & Brain Injury Rehabilitation
March 12-13, Crystal Gateway Marriot, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Psicoanalisis - Cursos virtuales


Seventh Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium
March 27-28, Miami, Florida, USA


14th International Conference of the Association of Psychology & Psychiatry for Adults & Children
May 5-8, Athens, Greece


The First European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment
May 8-9, Würzburg, Germany


May 18-20, Rome, Italy


3rd International Conference on Psychology
June 8-11, Athens, Greece


IV Congreso Argentino de Salud Mental


ens European Neurological Society

Nineteenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society
June 20-24, Milan, Italy


Memory and Mind: Learning and Representing Structures in the Brain and Mind

June 22-23, CEU Summer University in Budapest


The 11th European Congress of Psychology

July 7-10, Oslo, Norway


INS 2009 Finland

INS Mid-Year Meeting 2009

July 29 - August 1, Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia

Tallin Tallin

6th Satellite Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

August 3-4, Tallinn, Estonia



XIV European Conference on Development Psychology

August 18-22, Vilnius, Lithuania



European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology European Socienty of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology




Campus Virtual Campus Virtual







INS 36th Annual Meeting, February 6 - 9, Waikoola, Hawaii, USA


6th Annual MCI Symposium "Mild Cognitive Impairment", March 7-8, Miami Beach Resort & Spa

Mild Cognitive Impairment hawaii

XVI - World International Family Therapy Association, March 26-29, Porto, Portugal


Psicomotricidade Especializa~çao Pós Graduaça~o, março, Rua Major Prado, 46 - Moema - 04517-020 - Sa~o Paulo - SP

Pós Graduacao Psycomotricidade Especializacao

II International Conference on Community Psychology, June 4-6, Lisboa, Portugal


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - An Introductory Course, June 5 - 7, Milwaukee campus, Wisconsin

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo

International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meetings, July 2-5, Palais Rouge, Buenos Aires, Argentine


The 5th Satellite Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

July 7-8, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

Iguacu Waterfalls

Iguacu Waterfalls

2nd International Conference on Psychology, July 14-17,
Athens, Greece

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Alzheimer's Association
International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, July 26-31,
McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois


Würzburg Summer Academy July 31-August 3


First Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), September 2-5, Edinburgh, UK/Scotland



6th International Conference of Frontotemporal Dementia, September 3-5, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

23rd Annual Convention of the German Neuropsychology Association

23rd Annual Convention of the German Neuropsychology Association, October 9-12, Tübingen


International city break conference on Social Sciences & Human Development research

October 17-20, Athens, Greece


28th Annual Conference of National Academy of Neuropsychology, October 21-25, Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers, New York


The 2nd World Congress on Controversies in Neurology, October 23-26, Athens, Greece

Athens Snow


III. mezinárodní vědecko-praktická konference "Nastolení moderní vědy", December 19-20, Dněpropetrovsk, Ukrajina


INA Congress 7th INA Congress



INS 35th Annual Meeting, February 7 - 10, Portland, Oregon, USA

Attention and Executive Skills, February 8 - 9, The Oliver Zangwill Centre, Cambridge, England

Informationen der Akademie bei König & Müller (April 2007)


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - An Introductory Course, May 31 - June 2, Functional Imaging Research Center
Medical College of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI 53226

International Conference on Prevention of Dementia, June 9-12, Washington, D.C.

INS Mid-Year Meetings, July 4-7, Bilbao, Spain

4th Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, July 9-10, San Sebastian, Spain

Call for Abstract

International Conference on Psychology, July 9-10, Athens, Greece

IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, July 12-17, Melbourne, Australia

9th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, August 19-22, Göteborg, Sweden

Evolution of the Brain, Behaviour & Intelligence, September 12-14, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK

Symposium für Betroffene, Angehörige und Professionelle am 15. 09. 2007 in Würzburg


Virtual Rehabilitation 2007, September 27-29, Venice, Italy

Integrative Approaches to Brain Complexity, September 27-30, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK

VII. Medzinárodné afaziologické sympózium, Október 12-13, Bratislava, Slovensko

17th Neuropharmacology Conference "Cannabinoid Signaling in the Nervous System" October 31-November 2, San Diego, CA, USA

X Congresso da Sociedade Latinoamericana de Neuropsicologia, Buenos Aires de 6 a 9 de Novembro, Argentina

New Frontiers in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, November 8-10, Westin San Diego at Emerald Plaza

27th Annual Conference of National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 14-17, The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Funktionelle Neuroanatomie kognitiver Funktionen für Ärzte, November 24, Würzburg (Prof. Dr. med. Udo Kischka, Dipl.-Psych., Oxford)

Disorders of Consciousness, 87th Annual Conference, December 7-8, The New York Academy of Medicine, New York



The Fifth Summer Institute of the INS: Neuropsychology across the Lifespane. June 19 - July 14, Xylocastro, Greece. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 30 (doc)


INS 34th Annual Meeting, February 1 - 5, Boston, MA, USA

(To suggest a location for future INS conference or for more information about upcoming INS conferences, contact the INS Executive
Secretary's Office:

INS/GNP/SVNP 28th Mid-Year Meeting, July 26-29, Zurich, Switzerland


Satellite Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, July 31 - August 1, Triesenberg, Fürstentum Liechtenstein



Brain Development & Learning: Making Sense of the Science, August 19-22, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


10 Year Anniversary of the Norwegian Neuropsychological Association, August 23-26, Oslo, Norway


5th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementia, September 6-8, San Francisco, California, USA


fMRI: Advanced Course in Experimental Design and Image Analysis, October 3-6, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA


16th Neuropharmacology Conference. Long-Term Potentiation (LPT): Forty Unforgettable Years, October 11-13, Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, USA


The 2nd Congress of the European Neuropsychological Societies, October 18-20,
Toulouse, France

The deadline for submission is February 15th

(Preliminary program)


The 1st International Symposium on Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation, October 26-28, CRPG, Arcozelo, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal


Theory, Therapy and Social Outcomes in Holistic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, November16-17, The Oliver Zangwill Centre, Cambridge, England



The Fourth Summer Institute of the INS: Genetically based syndromes of mental retardation. June 20 - July 15, Xylocastro, Greece. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 21(doc)

Attention and Driving: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach, January 21-22, Würzburg, Germany

Twenti-Third European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology: an interdisciplinary approach. January 23-28, Bressanone, Italy (doc)


INS 33nd Annual Meeting, February 2 - 6, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

INS 27th Mid-Year Meeting, July 6 - 9, Dublin, Ireland

16th Annual Meeting American Neuropsychiatric Association
February 26 - March 1, 2005, Sheraton Bal Harbour Beach Resort, Miami, Florida

The 7th International Conference on Progress in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, March 9-14, Sorrento, Italy Contact: 7th International Conference AD/PD, 2005 Kenes International, 17 Rue du cendrier, P.O. Box 1726, CH-1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 0488, Fax: +44 845 127 5687 (International number)

6th World Congress on Brain Injury, May 6-8. Melbourne, Australia

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): An Introductory Course, June 23 -25, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA

The 10th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences, July 5-9, St. Andrews, Scotland

Conference on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, July 11-12, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

XXVII Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Italy), July 21-23, Stresa, Italy

Wuerzburg Summer Academy (Learning and Leisure), August 8 -12, Wuerzburg, Germany

(pdf) (

113th Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, August 18-21, Washington, DC

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 11:59 PM, EST, Friday, December 03, 2004

(Symposium - pdf)

World Congress on Huntington's Disease, September 10-13, Manchester, England

National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience and joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, October 1-4, Ischia (Naples)

The 25th Annual Conference of National Academy of Neuropsychology, October 19-22, Tampa, Florida, USA (program workshopů)

Advanced course in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offered at the Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee) on November 1-4, 2005






Twenty-Fourth Mid-Year Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, July 24-27, Stockholm, Sweden (zpráva o průběhu) (obrazová reportáž)

A.R. Luria and the Psychology of the XXIst Century. Second International Luria Memorial Conference, September 24-27, Moscow, Russia

(zpráva o průběhu) (obrazová reportáž) ( prezentace) (download prezentace)


The 8th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, August 26-29, Turku, Finland

(obrazová reportáž)

First Congress of the European Neuropsychological Societies, April 18-20, Modena, Italy SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 15 (pdf)

Summer Institute of the INS: The Human Frontal Lobes. June 21 - July 16, Xylocastro, Greece. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 20 (pdf)

Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, February 4-7, Baltimore, USA

15th Annual Meeting American Neuropsychiatric Association, February 21-24, Bal Harbour, Florida

(Web Site)

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery: Administration and Interpretation, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas, USA (pdf)

Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, April 18-20, San Francisco, USA

Rehabilitation International World Congress "Re-thinking Rehabilitation", June 21-24, Oslo, Norway

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): An Introductory Course
June 3-5, Milwaukee, WI

Twenty-Seventh Mid-Year Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, July 7-10, Brisbane, Australia

Call for Abstracts (pdf)

Wuerzburg Summer Academy (Learning and Leisure), August 10-13, Bavaria, Germany (pdf)

The 8th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, August 26-29, Turku, Finland

The 1st International Congress of Fundamental Psychopathology, September 4-7, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia

The 3rd International Workshop on Virtual Reality, September 16-17, Lausanne, Switzerland

The 1st International Congress on Neurosciences and Rehabilitation, September 22-24, Brasilia, Brazil

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): An Introductory Course, November 4-6, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA

2nd World Congress of the Academy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology, November11-13, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (program)

The 24th Annual Conference of National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 17-20,The Westin Seattle, USA

The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction, November 25-26, Tokyo, Japan

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